


My littlest one who is now a few months shy of being 6 years old, has been left in the back of my mind because I was way too caught up with my two oldest who I’m constantly trying to keep up. Mommy guilt here. I always would say he is only 5, there’s still so much for him to play and was left alone. Free play is great! But what kind of free play are we talking about? For me because it was easier to keep him on the screen, he was left on the IPAD for whatever time.

I know there’s countless of articles out there how we need to limit time being on the screen. But I couldn’t keep him off because it was easier. Nolan was still on the screen for many hours a day. He would get up in the morning looking for his IPAD first thing in the morning and end his night with an IPAD. All our trips he had an IPAD with him, and he would be in his own world in the corner laughing. We would eat dinner, and IPAD always followed because he couldn’t eat without it. It came to a point that it started to really consume him as a person and he came absent in daily life.

It took Nico being on his headphones during one dinner, and I was asking him multiple times if he wanted to eat more. Until I lost it and yelled. He didn’t hear me. A total disfunction of family in my opinion. We gather around the table to eat dinner, but all in our different worlds. One with headphones watching his youtube, the other watching cartoon, and so to say the least Eleni probably is on the least on any technological but still finds her way to text with her friends for as long as she can. Don’t get me wrong I may be also on my phone and the list goes on.

I don’t thing being in the internet there’s a problem, but finding a good balance is required. For now I took away all IPADs from all kids and we are a month in of moderated internet. I shouldn’t be surprised because it is obvious what the outcome would be…

Suddenly, my 5 years old who was too young to do anything is picking up a book on his term. He is seeking time outdoors and finding how to use all this time he has. He is also realizing the amount of time he has in a day. We have limited online time where he can only log on for a certain amount of time and completely shuts off. The process to get here is another story and will share on the next post of our process.

I love this sight so much and there’s no one to blame but learning to use time more presently. I’m trying hard to be extra mindful and understanding why our world is this way. As time ticks and can’t turn back the seconds and instead of chasing the time we lost, finding ways to fill them with memories that will be meaningful to my family.

I had no intention of writing this post this morning, but the glimpse of Nolan took me away and I wanted to capture this moment. I want to remember it.

Lastly, leaving with this sweet photo. Also noticing these two boys spending more time together. Both good times and bad….

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I’m Moving to New York

I’m thinking about making a huge change in our life in the next year.  Thinking about moving to the east -coast. This idea has been brewing for some time and we have the perfect opportunity so we are jumping on it.

Homeschool Motherhood

How Homeschooling Changed me as a Mom

In tribute to my 37th birthday, I reflected on my life. Life has taken me to so many places I’ve never imagined.  Homeschooling was not something I thought of ever doing with my family.  Eleni’s piano teacher first brought it up me when she was 5 years old and thought to myself, I would be out of my mind to be doing something like that!

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